Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 2009

So whats' happening with the Tkach kid's lately? Adam had dental surgery last week. Several crowns, fillings and a tooth extracted. We don't think we ever want him to play hockey because so much is invested in his mouth! He started complaining about tooth pain on and off a few weeks ago. For Adam to complain about means he must really be hurting. Turns out he had an infection in one of his back teeth. We originally were not scheduled to get it taken care of until towards the end of April, but thankfully a slot opened up and we were able to get it done quickly. With all that had to be done we had to go to Dayton Children's Hospital so he could be put to sleep while it was taken care of. He feels much better now. Adam was also tested recently to see how much air is still escaping when he speaks. This impacts his ability to say certain sounds. Turn's out, a lot of air is escaping and that means another surgery for him. He will have to undergo Pharyngeal flap (or P-flap) surgery which will restrict the air flow that escapes when he speaks. We've been told that this is a much more painful surgery than the palette surgery so please keep him in your prayers. We hope to get it scheduled soon - but are unsure when exactly it will occur.

Aiden continues to improve his English everyday. People are amazed when they hear him speak and realize he has only been here since last June. His school work is improving. We pay a visit to Cincinnati Children's hospital next month to see if we can learn more about his Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome. The boys are excitedly waiting for soccer season to begin.

Mackenzie celebrates her 7th birthday this month. She has become an excellent reader and loves to show off her reading skills. She has also been cheerleading with our Church's Upward Cheerleading and Basketball program. Makayla also continues to excel in school and in gymnastics.

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